Caerphilly County Borough Council

2nd Replacement Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan Up To 2035

Draft Delivery Agreement

1st Revision, May 2024

Part 1 – Introduction

A full review of the Adopted Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2021 (Adopted LDP) has been undertaken and the findings are set out in the Adopted Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2021 Review Report (Review Report). The Review Report provides an overview of the issues that have been considered as part of the review process and subsequently identifies any changes that are likely to be needed to the Adopted LDP. It concludes that the Council should commence an immediate full revision of the Adopted LDP.

The Adopted LDP remains extant and will continue to provide the policy framework for the determination of planning applications while the 2nd Replacement Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2035 (2RLDP) is being prepared.

Revised Delivery Agreement

The 2RLDP Delivery Agreement was approved by Welsh Government on 17 June 2021. However, Welsh Government raised objections to the October 2022 Preferred Strategy, and this has resulted in a delay in plan preparation. The Council is proceeding with a new Preferred Strategy that responds to the Welsh Government objections. The Delivery Agreement timetable is amended, as set out in this document.

Purpose of a Delivery Agreement

The preparation of a Delivery Agreement (DA) is a key requirement in preparing the 2RLDP. This document provides details of the stages involved in the Plan-making process, the time each part of the process is likely to take, and the resources that the Council will commit to plan preparation. The DA will also establish the Council’s early full and continuous approach to community engagement and involvement in the preparation of the 2RLDP.

The DA forms an important and legal part of the preparation of the 2RLDP and its delivery in accordance with the DA will form an important test of the ‘soundness’ of the plan. Both the content of the DA and the way in which the Local Planning Authority implements it is, therefore, fundamental to the overall success of the 2RLDP.

The DA is split into two key parts:

  • The Timetable for producing the 2RLDP. This provides an indication of when various stages of plan preparation will take place. Definitive dates are provided up to the deposit stage and indicative dates for later stages. The timetable is included in Part 2 of this DA.
  • The Community Involvement Scheme (CIS). This sets out the Council’s principles, strategy and mechanisms for early, full and continuous community and stakeholder engagement throughout the revision process. This is a fundamental element of the development plan system. Once approved, the Council will need to comply with the requirements for community engagement that are set out in the CIS. The CIS is included in Part 3 of this DA.

Stages in the Approval of the Delivery Agreement

In developing the Revised DA for the 2RLDP, the Council will:

  • Prepare a Revised Draft DA (this document).
  • Consult on the Revised Draft DA with key stakeholders and amend the Revised DA appropriately.
  • Obtain Council Approval for the updated Revised DA.
  • Submit the Revised DA to Welsh Government for agreement.
  • Upon agreement of Welsh Government, publish the Revised DA on the Council’s website and place in the Council’s principal office.
  • Review the Revised DA on a quarterly basis against progress on the preparation of the 2RLDP.

Preparation of the 2RLDP

In preparing the 2RLDP, and in accordance with Welsh Government LDP Manual (Edition 3, 2020), the Council will aim to achieve the following key outcomes:

  • Support sustainable development and quality places based around the National Sustainable Placemaking Outcomes, aligned with national policy (set out in PPW) integrated with an ISA and HRA, including Welsh language and the requirements of the WBFG Act 2015.
  • Be based on and underpinned by early, effective and meaningful community involvement in order to understand and consider a wide range of views, with the aim of building a broad consensus on the spatial strategy, policies and proposals.
  • Be based on a robust understanding of the role and function of an area(s) including the functional linkages to areas beyond administrative boundaries.
  • Be distinctive by having plans setting out clearly how their area will develop and change, giving certainty for communities, developers and business.
  • Be resilient to climate change (using the latest UK Climate Projections, flood risk and vulnerability assessment data) and support the transition to a low carbon society in line with the latest carbon reduction targets and budgets as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act (Part 2). The principles of Placemaking, the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy and the Energy Hierarchy as set out in PPW must be adhered to.
  • Ensure the sustainable management of natural resources in accordance with the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and other relevant legislation.
  • Deliver what is intended through deliverable and viable plans, taking into account necessary infrastructure requirements, financial viability and other market factors.
  • Be proactive and responsive with plans, which are kept up-to-date and flexible to accommodate change.

The 2RLDP will be prepared with regard to a wide range of legislation, policies and other initiatives at the European, national, regional and local level. The Council’s Corporate Plan Well-being Objectives 2023-2028 will be of particular importance at the local level. This will have clear links with the 2RLDP where it relates to land use planning.

Integrated Sustainability Appraisal incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment

The provisions of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Regulations, 2004, require the Council to assess the significant effects that its plan could have on the environment. In addition, Section 62 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires the Council to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of its plan. As a matter of good practice, the SEA and SA processes have been combined into one iterative SEA/SA process. The SEA/SA process was an iterative part of the preparation process of the Adopted LDP and is reflected in the Plan’s proposals and policies.

The Council will continue to adopt the integrated SEA/SA process in preparing the 2RLDP. However, other legislation has introduced additional assessment requirements that should also be addressed as part of the plan preparation process, e.g. health impact assessment, equalities assessment. Consequently, the Council will undertake an Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA), which combines the SEA/SA process with the other required assessments as part of the preparation of the revised plan. The ISA will ensure that the revised plan is internally consistent, with economic, environmental, cultural and social issues considered alongside other relevant matters. The appraisal process will run concurrently with the plan preparation process.

The ISA will include the following stage documents:

The Scoping Report which will set out the current state of the environment and will identify the existing sustainability issues within Caerphilly County Borough to provide baseline information for assessment and monitoring through a series of Objectives and a Sustainability Framework. It will also set out a review of relevant plans, policies, programmes and strategies at European, national, regional and local levels, indicating their implications for the 2RLDP process.

An Initial Integrated Sustainability Appraisal Report (Initial ISA Report) which will consider the likely effects of the 2RLDP Preferred Strategy, aims and objectives. It will also consider the effects of any reasonable alternative strategies. The Initial ISA Report will be published at the same time as the Preferred Strategy.

The Environmental Report which will consider the likely effects of the Deposit version of the 2RLDP which will assess the social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts likely to arise from the policies and allocations set out in the plan. This will be published at the same time as the Deposit Plan.

The Adoption Statement published by the Council that sets out how the ISA has been accounted for in the 2RLDP. The Adoption statement is published following the Adoption of the 2RLDP.

Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA)

In accordance with the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, the impacts of any land use plan on the conservation objectives of any European protected site are to be assessed by means of an Appropriate Assessment. The Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) will be prepared concurrently with the Deposit Plan and will be published with both the Deposit Plan and the Environmental Report.

There are two stages of HRA:

Screening – To determine whether any of the conservation objectives of any European Site could be adversely affected;

Appropriate Assessment – Assessment of the plan proposals on the conservation objectives of all affected European sites.

The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (WBFG Act)

The WBFG Act gained Royal Assent in April 2015. The Act aims to make a difference to lives of people in Wales in relation to seven well-being goals and sets out five ways of working. The seven well-being goals relate to:

  • A Prosperous Wales,
  • A Resilient Wales,
  • A Healthier Wales,
  • A More Equal Wales,
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities,
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Welsh Language, and
  • A Globally Responsive Wales.

The five ways of working are:

  • Long Term,
  • Integration,
  • Involvement,
  • Collaboration, and
  • Prevention.

Given that sustainable development is the core underlying principle of both the LDP and ISA, there are clear associations between the LDP and the WBFG Act. As a requirement of the Act a Local Well-being Plan must be produced. In November 2023, the Council approved its Corporate Plan Well-being Objectives 2023-2028. Both the WBFG Act and Corporate Plan will be considered fully throughout the preparation of the 2RLDP.


There is a need to update the evidence base, including undertaking various evidence base assessments throughout the preparation of the 2RLDP. At this stage it is envisaged that this will include:

  • Population and Housing Growth Options
  • Affordable Housing Viability Assessment
  • Local Housing Market Assessment
  • Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment
  • Larger than Local Economic Review
  • Employment Land Review
  • Strategic Transport Assessment
  • Shopper Attitude Survey and retail analysis
  • Renewable Energy Assessment
  • Settlement Boundary Review
  • Green Infrastructure Assessment
  • Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment
  • Minerals and Waste Assessment

This is not a definitive list and additional evidence base requirements may emerge as the plan revision progresses.

Tests of Soundness

As an integral part of the development plan system, it is the responsibility of the appointed independent Inspector to consider the soundness of the 2RLDP as a whole during the Examination into the Plan. A straightforward interpretation of “sound” is that it “shows good judgement” and “is able to be trusted”. The LDP Manual (Edition 3, 2020) provides 3 criteria for assessing ‘Soundness’. These tests are:

a.Does the Plan Fit?

b.Is the Plan Appropriate?

c.Will the plan deliver?

The tests of soundness, in part, relate to the process by which the 2RLDP has been prepared by the Council, its consistency, coherence and effectiveness. To ensure that time is not spent examining in detail a plan that is procedurally unsound the Inspector will carry out an early screening of the 2RLDP to ensure that it has been prepared in accordance with the DA. It is in the Council’s interests, therefore, to ensure that the DA has been adhered to throughout the 2RLDP process. It is also the responsibility of all stakeholders in the process to facilitate the process by meeting the requirements of them.

Following the Examination, the Inspector will prepare a report that sets out the Inspector’s findings and conclusions. The conclusions reached by the Inspector are binding and, unless Welsh Government intervenes, the Council can either adopt the plan including the Inspector’s recommendations or resolve not to adopt the plan.

Part 2 - Timetable

The Council has established a timetable for the delivery of the 2RLDP, summarising the key stages in plan preparation (Table 1). While the timetable is challenging, it provides a realistic timeframe for preparation of the 2RLDP having regard to the resources available. In preparing the timetable, regard has been given to Welsh Government’s expectation that a revised plan can be prepared within three and a half years.

The timetable in Table 1 is split into two parts, the definitive and the indicative stages:

The Definitive Stages – This part of the timetable provides information up to and inclusive of the statutory Deposit stage. The progress of the 2RLDP over this period is under the direct control of the Council and therefore target dates, while challenging, are considered realistic and every effort will be made to adhere to these dates.

The Indicative Stages – This part of the timetable provides for the stages of plan preparation beyond the statutory Deposit stage. These stages are increasingly dependent on a wide range of external factors (e.g. the number of representations received, number of examination hearing sessions, time taken to receive Inspector’s Report) over which the Council has far less control. Those dates will be reconsidered after reaching the Deposit stage when definitive timings for the remaining stages will be prepared and submitted to Welsh Government for agreement and publication.

Key Stage Date
Preparation of the Pre-Deposit Stage of the 2RLDP including the Preferred Strategy From July 2024
Consultation on the Preferred Strategy December 2024/January 2025
Preparation of the Deposit 2RLDP Jan 2025
Consultation on the Deposit Revised LDP December 2025/January 2026
Submit Revised LDP to Welsh Government November 2026
Independent Examination January/February 2027
Adoption August 2027


The Planning Services Manager will be responsible for the overall delivery of the 2RLDP, with the Team Leader, Strategic Planning being responsible for the day to day project management. The Strategic Planning Team will lead in the preparation and delivery of the 2RLDP with Member engagement and political reporting at appropriate stages. The existing staff resources are set out in Table 2 below. Approximately 90 to 95% of officer time will be dedicated to the preparation of the 2RLDP. Additional time will be dedicated by the Planning Services Manager, the Head of Regeneration and Planning and the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment to ensure the efficient delivery of the 2RLDP. It will also be necessary to call upon staff resources from other service areas across the Council to assist in undertaking various evidence base updates/assessments. This is likely to include officer support from Development Management, Housing, Infrastructure, Education, Public Protection, Community and Leisure Services, Corporate Policy, Democratic Services and Legal Services. Significant input will also be required from technical support in preparing the 2RLDP documentation.

Officer Job Title Number of posts
Team Leader 1
Principal Planner 2
Planning Officer 3

The Council recognises that additional specialist input will also be required to progress and establish a robust evidence base to inform the 2RLDP. While it is anticipated that a considerable amount of evidence base work will be undertaken by CCBC officers, predominately the Strategic Planning Team, the use of external consultants is likely to be necessary, particularly in relation to highly technical or specialist elements of the evidence base. An initial assessment has been carried out of the elements of plan preparation that are likely to require external consultant input and financial resources have been agreed by Council.

The DA has been prepared on the basis of the Council preparing its own LDP, not in collaboration with, or as a joint plan with other Councils. Joint working is, however, on-going on a regional basis, particularly in respect of preparation of the evidence base. Collaboration with neighbouring authorities will be fundamental to the preparation of the 2RLDP, particularly with regard to a joint evidence base, where appropriate. The South East Wales Strategic Planning Group (SEWSPG) is working towards a set of regionally agreed methodologies for key topic areas to ensure a consistent evidence base throughout the Cardiff Capital Region. In addition, several work streams have been identified where studies could be, and are being, commissioned jointly.

The Council has agreed a budget to progress the 2RLDP to adoption within the prescribed timetable. It is anticipated that this will cover expenditure relating to all elements of preparation of the 2RLDP and its Examination.

Supplementary Planning Guidance

The 2RLDP will contain sufficient policies to provide the basis for determining planning applications. However, Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) has an important supporting role in providing more detailed or site-specific guidance on the way in which the 2RLDP policies will be applied. While SPG does not form part of the development plan it should be derived from and be consistent with the 2RLDP. The SPG should also be clearly cross-referenced to the policies and proposals it supplements.

Since the adoption of the Adopted LDP several SPG documents have been prepared and adopted to support Adopted LDP policies. The SPG cover the following key areas:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Trees and Development
  • Car Parking Standards
  • Building Better Places to Live
  • Householder Developments
  • Protection of Open Space
  • Buildings in the countryside
  • Shop Fronts and Advertisements
  • Planning Guidance for Smaller Scale Wind Turbine Developments – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Requirements
  • Smaller Scale Wind Turbine Development – Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study

A review of all SPG will be undertaken and any necessary amendments will be made to support the 2RLDP, and/or the updated evidence base.

It should nevertheless be noted that SPG to the 2RLDP cannot be adopted until after the Inspector’s Report has been received and it is clear that there are no changes to the policy approach set out in the revised plan. It is not anticipated that any new/additional SPG will be prepared or consulted on in parallel with the 2RLDP, primarily due to the challenging timescales.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced in Caerphilly County Borough Council in 2014, to assist in the delivery of the council’s land use objectives as set out in the Adopted LDP.

CIL will be reviewed in parallel with the end of the 2RLDP plan preparation process.

Monitoring and Review of the DA

The Council will monitor and regularly review progress of the 2RLDP against the requirements of the DA to ensure the timetable is being adhered to and the public engagement, as set out in the CIS, is being met. As noted in paragraph 2.8 the timetable allows for a marginal degree of flexibility, however, any amendments to the DA will require approval by the Council prior to Welsh Government agreement. The DA may need to be amended if the following circumstances occur during the preparation of the 2RLDP:

  • Significant change to the resources available to undertake preparation of the 2RLDP.
  • Preparation of the 2RLDP falls behind schedule i.e. more than 3 months.
  • Significant changes to European, UK or Welsh legislation directly affecting the 2RLDP preparation process.
  • Any other change in circumstances that will materially affect the delivery of the 2RLDP in accordance with the DA.
  • Significant changes to the CIS.
  • Unforeseen events such as the COVID-19 Pandemic.

An updated timetable will be submitted to Welsh Government following the Deposit stage. This will provide greater certainty of the timescales for the remaining stages (i.e. replacing indicative stages with definitive stages). The indicative timetable will be redefined within three months of the close of the formal Deposit period and will be submitted to Welsh Government for agreement.

Monitoring of the LDP

The Council will produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) each year following the adoption of the 2RLDP. This will assess how effectively the policies and proposals of the plan are performing and highlight any need for modifications. The monitoring report will also include references to new or updated National Planning Guidance and any other relevant information. Once produced, the monitoring report will be made available to the public to view on the Council’s website.

Following the adoption of the LDP, it is intended that the plan will be reviewed on a four-yearly cycle.

Risk Management and Analysis

Whilst the timetable for preparation of the 2RLDP is realistic and deliverable, it is acknowledged that it will also be very challenging. It is recognised that there are several factors that could result in plan preparation deviating from the proposed timetable. Consequently, the LDP Manual (Edition 3, 2020) provides flexibility by allowing a single three-month slippage, before a formal revision to the DA is required. Appendix 1 sets out a risk assessment identifying potential issues that could cause difficulties in keeping to the proposed timetable, together with the Council’s proposed approach to managing them.

Part 3 – Community Involvement Scheme

The CIS sets out how the Council proposes to proactively engage with and involve the local community and stakeholders in the preparation of the 2RLDP. It is essential when preparing the 2RLDP that the right people are involved at the right time to seek greater consensus and strengthen community involvement in the plan making process.

The Development Plans Manual, Edition 3, states that when preparing the CIS, LPAs should:

  • Create the conditions for early involvement and feedback at a stage when people can shape and influence the plan, based on the 5 ways of working, as set out in the WBFGA 2015.
  • Encourage the commitment from all participants to an open and honest debate on realistic development alternatives in search of broad consensus.
  • Recognise the need to adopt approaches/techniques for involving all elements of the community (age groups, local community action groups, hard to reach groups and protected characteristic groups) including business, which seeks to involve those not normally involved.
  • Recognise that a one size fits all approach will not be appropriate.

Principles of Engagement

The #TeamCaerphilly – Better Together Transformation Strategy, endorsed by Cabinet in June 2019 highlights the importance of engaging and working with our communities as one of its primary themes.

The Consultation and Engagement Framework 2020-2025 sets out our approach to further enhance consultation and engagement across Caerphilly County Borough communities. It highlights the principles and standards that underpin meaningful engagement and consultation to enable a consistent, transparent and high-quality approach to the planning and undertaking of community engagement. This Framework has direct links to several other strategies, including The Communications and Engagement Strategy 2019 – 2022 which has been developed to help define the way the Council engages with its residents, partners, businesses and all other key audiences.

The Council has adopted the National Principles for Public Engagement in Wales as a guide for all engagement:

  • Engagement is effectively designed to make a difference - Engagement gives a real chance to influence policy, service design and delivery from an early stage.
  • Encourage and enable everyone affected to be involved, if they so choose - The people affected by an issue or change are included in opportunities to engage, as an individual or as part of a group or community, with their views both respected and valued.
  • Engagement is planned and delivered in a timely and appropriate way - The engagement process is clear, communicated to everyone in a way that is easy to understand within a reasonable timescale, and the most suitable method(s) for those involved is used.
  • Work with relevant partner organisations - Organisations should communicate with each other and work together wherever possible to ensure that people’s time is used effectively and efficiently.
  • The information provided will be jargon free, appropriate and understandable - People are well placed to take part in the engagement process, as they have easy access to relevant information that is tailored to meet their needs.
  • Make it easier for people to take part - People can engage easily as any barriers for different groups of people are identified and addressed.
  • Enable people to take part effectively - Engagement processes should try to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence of all participants.
  • Engagement is given the right resources and support to be effective -Appropriate training, guidance and support are provided to enable all participants to effectively engage, including both community participants and staff.
  • People are told of the impact of their contribution - Timely feedback is given to all participants about the views they express, and the decisions or actions taken as a result; methods and forms of feedback should take account of participants’ preferences.
  • Learn and share lessons to improve the process of engagement - People’s experience of the process should be monitored and evaluated, to measure its success in engaging people and the effectiveness of that participation. Lessons should be shared and applied in future engagements.

In terms of the wider context, this Framework also supports the Council in meeting its duty under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, particularly the involvement and collaboration principles, and The Equality Act which is supplemented by a specific set of Welsh duties, one of which is to involve people who it considers to be representative of those with different protected characteristics who have an interest in the way in which the authority carries out its functions.

Who will we involve?

The LPA is committed to engaging with any person or organisation who has an interest in shaping the future of Caerphilly County Borough. The 2RLDP, once adopted, will be used to guide development in the county borough and will be a key decision-making tool for the consideration of planning applications. The Council therefore encourages anyone who wishes to express their views, to do so as part of the preparation of the 2RLDP process.

The legal requirements for community involvement and public participation for the 2RLDP are set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005 (as amended 2015). The Council intends to meet and where possible, exceed these requirements. A list of Specific and General Consultation bodies is set out at Appendix 3.

The Council will actively seek to involve the following parties:

Members of the public, interested persons and organisations

For both the Adopted LDP and the withdrawn Replacement LDP the Council maintained a consultation database that included members of the public, interested persons, organisations and companies who had requested to be kept informed at each stage of the LDP process. The primary purpose of this database was to allow for those who are not included on the Welsh Government list of consultees for LDPs to be involved and informed throughout the LDP process.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018 placing new restrictions on how organisations can hold and use personal data and defining rights with regard to that data. As a result of GDPR we are unable to contact those individuals who previously expressed an interest in the LDP process. Consequently, the Council is now required to establish a new stakeholder database of parties wanting to be involved in the preparation of the 2RLDP.

Any interested parties must give their consent, in writing, if they wish to be added to the 2RLDP stakeholder database. Anyone who makes representations at any of the stages of 2RLDP will be deemed to have given their consent and will be added to the stakeholder database in order to administer their comments and for them to be adequately informed of further opportunities to participate at a later date in the process.

Respondents will also be given the opportunity to confirm whether they wish to correspond in Welsh or English.

If any person, group, organisation or company wishes to be involved in the preparation of the 2RLDP, they can request to be added to the stakeholder database by logging their details on the Council’s website. For those who are unable to access the Council’s website, they can contact the Strategic Planning Team by email, telephone or in writing, using the contact details as set out in paragraph 3.34 to obtain a form to submit their details and consent. Given the requirements of the GDPR the Council can only include details submitted on-line or on the form supplied. The Council cannot accept details by e-mail, phone or letter.

LDP Focus Group

In order to guide the 2RLDP process, the Council will set up the LDP Focus Group. This group will be comprised of Cabinet Members, Members from opposition groups and Service Area Heads and will facilitate continued engagement with senior members and officers throughout the plan preparation process. The LDP Focus Group will be engaged through specific workshops and meetings where appropriate.

Elected Members

It is recognised that the involvement of Members of Caerphilly County Borough Council throughout the preparation of the 2RLDP will be of key importance. Members have a unique position, as not only do they represent the communities within their individual ward, they also represent public interest and are involved in decisions for the wider benefit of the County Borough as a whole. Accordingly, Members will play an essential role in the 2RLDP process by providing information to local residents, informing the LPA of issues and opportunities within their local area and more fundamentally making decisions on matters affecting Caerphilly County Borough as a whole.

The Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection has responsibility for planning policy, including the preparation of the 2RLDP. Close liaison with the Cabinet Member, and all other Council Members, is an essential part of the 2RLDP process. Consequently, Member seminars will be undertaken where appropriate, in particular at key stages of the 2RLDP including, but not limited to; the Preferred Strategy, Deposit and at Adoption. Members will be fully informed throughout the process and notified prior to every participation and consultation stage.

Community and Town Councils

Town and Community Councils also play a key role in disseminating information to the residents within their area on matters of local importance and will be a key link to communities across Caerphilly County Borough. Community and Town Councils will be consulted at every stage of the 2RLDP process and through their individual communication methods will help raise awareness of the 2RLDP to local communities. They also can provide up to date local information, opinions on any proposals within their areas and more importantly can provide detail of any land-use based aspirations they have for their community.

Housing Stakeholder Group

In order to generate a housing trajectory which must be prepared to support the Deposit Plan, it will be necessary to engage with stakeholders through a Housing Stakeholder Group. This will ensure that the timing and phasing of sites is robust and based on up to date information. The Stakeholder Group should comprise officers, home builders, landowners (and agents where appropriate), Registered Social Landlords, statutory undertakers, infrastructure providers and other bodies as appropriate.

Partnership Groups

Partnership groups act as single contact points for groups of people and are, consequently, an important point of contact for engaging the wider community in the preparation of the 2RLDP. This is particularly the case during the early stages of public participation when structured discussion is desirable.

The Caerphilly Public Service Board (PSB), and its partners, will be of particular importance to ensure the 2RLDP aligns with the Local Well-being Plan. As such the PSB will be actively involved during the preparation of the plan.

The Strategic Planning Team will also work closely with the Council’s Corporate Policy Team who support the delivery, co-ordination and administration of the Public Services Board and lead the Council's contribution to the Local Well-being Plan.

Businesses, Landowners, Developers and Agents

As outlined previously, extensive engagement will be undertaken at each key stage of the 2RLDP process. Efforts will be made to engage with the business community at an early stage. We will also engage with planning agents, who are regular customers of Caerphilly County Borough’s planning service. Anyone can request for their details to be included on the 2RLDP stakeholder database (please refer to paragraph 3.16 above for details). Landowners, agents and prospective developers who wish to put land forward to be considered for development will be deemed to have provided their necessary consent and will be added to the stakeholder database.

The Candidate Site process will provide the opportunity for those who have an interest in land to submit sites they wish to be considered for development in the 2RLDP. A common methodology for considering such sites has been established for the South East Wales region for local planning authorities to utilise for their respective LDPs. A ‘Call for Candidate Sites’ will be made, and all candidate sites will need to be submitted on the standard form. The form will set out the criteria required to assist in the assessment of the suitability of sites for inclusion as potential allocations in the 2RLDP. A threshold for accepting candidate sites will be set in order to ensure the plan remains strategically focused. This threshold will be provided at the outset in order to provide clarity for the process and avoid unnecessary work being undertaken for sites that will not be considered for inclusion in the 2RLDP. Accordingly, all candidate sites will need to be submitted during the appropriate period.

Additional Consultation Bodies

Appendix 2 provides a list of the specific and general consultation bodies along with UK Government departments and other consultees. The specific consultees are comprised of Welsh Government and those bodies with specific functions that apply to the 2RLDP area, e.g. the Aneurin Bevan Health Board and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water. The Authority must also consult UK Government Departments where aspects of the plan appear to affect their interests. These consultation bodies will be engaged throughout the 2RLDP process at each of the formal stages and informally, as appropriate.

Hard to Reach Groups

Hard to reach groups, and those that are seldom heard, are those groups who have not traditionally taken part in the plan preparation process. Additional effort will, therefore, be required to ensure these groups are engaged in the 2RLDP process. A flexible approach will need to be undertaken in relation to engagement with these groups, albeit within the parameters of the specified participation/consultation periods and resource limits.

Hard to reach groups include:

  • Young people and children
  • People with disabilities
  • Older people
  • People with learning difficulties
  • Homeless people
  • Ethnic minorities
  • Gypsies and Travellers

Engagement with these groups may be achieved by using existing partnerships and groups wherever possible. It is nevertheless recognised that the very principle of a hard to reach group is that they may not be involved in existing groups and that this may not, therefore, always be achievable. Trusted intermediaries will also be used, as appropriate, in order to gain the views of particular groups of people who do not have the confidence to engage directly in the process.

Planning Aid Wales

Planning Aid Wales is an independent service providing planning advice to groups and individuals, particularly in disadvantaged areas, helping them to understand the planning system and influence what happens in their local area. Where appropriate we will work with Planning Aid on consultation/training activities.

How we will involve you

Details of the emerging 2RLDP and its processes and progress will be published on the council’s website throughout the process. We will seek to publicise the 2RLDP process at every stage and reach as much of the community, and other stakeholders, as possible, to advise people about the 2RLDP and how they can get involved.

This will be done by:

  • Direct contact (i.e. preferably by email, or letter).
  • Through use of Twitter, by utilising the corporate @CaerphillyCBC account.
  • Via Facebook on the Caerphilly County Borough Council page.
  • Engagement with Elected Members through specific workshops, Member drop-in sessions and in reports to appropriate Council meetings.
  • All 2RLDP information and documents will be made available on the Council’s website, which will be constantly updated.
  • Deposit of documents at the Council’s principal office and libraries where possible.
  • Press releases for the local media, where appropriate.
  • Producing Easy Read Summary documents for key stages of the 2RLDP process.
  • Public exhibitions, drop-in sessions and meetings in accessible and neutral locations.
  • Videos, virtual engagement and consultation via web-based technology such as webinars.
  • Site notices will be displayed regarding proposed land allocations at the Deposit stage.

Building Consensus

The Council will seek to build consensus through the various engagement and consultation methods set out within the CIS. Consensus building can only be achieved if the community and other interested parties are kept fully informed and effectively engaged throughout the 2RLDP process. This is of particular importance in the early stages of plan preparation. It is nevertheless recognised that there will be occasions where consensus cannot be achieved and a difference in opinion between certain parties occurs. A clear audit trail of decisions will be maintained in order to ensure that there is transparency in the decision-making process, and to provide assurances to those that disagree that the decisions have been made in an informed and balanced way.

Availability of Documents

The 2RLDP documents will be made available at each of the relevant stages. All documents will be available on the Council’s website. Electronic representation forms will also be made available during periods of consultation. In addition to online availability, where possible and subject to COVID-19 restrictions, the documents will also be made available in paper format in the following locations:

Penallta House; and

All libraries in the County Borough.

Paper copies of documents will not be sent out during the 2RLDP process as they will be made publicly available in the locations listed above, as well as being made available electronically. In exceptional circumstances, or when documents cannot be made available in the above locations, paper copies will be made available on request.

Welsh Language and Bilingual engagement

The Welsh Language Standards place a legal duty on Councils to make it easier for people to use services through the medium of Welsh. The Council has published a Welsh Language Strategy for 2017 – 2022, the requirements of both the corporate strategy and Welsh Language Standards will be maintained at all stages of the 2RLDP.

Bilingual engagement will be carried out in the following ways:

  • We welcome correspondence in both Welsh and English. Where correspondence is received in Welsh and a reply is necessary, this will be sent in Welsh.
  • All consultation letters, comments forms, public notices (including site notices) and newsletters will be bilingual.
  • Any pages on the Council’s website and social media posts published on twitter will be bilingual.
  • Any public meetings will be conducted bilingually where a request has been made ahead of time. Prior notification is required in order to provide a translation service.
  • The Adopted 2RLDP will be published in both Welsh and English format.

There is a requirement to undertake an assessment on the impact, positive, negative or no impact, the proposals will have on the Welsh Language. The 2RLDP will be the subject of an integrated impact appraisal that will include Strategic Environmental Assessment, Sustainability Appraisal, Health Impact Assessment, Equalities Impact Assessment and Welsh Language Impact Assessment, among others.

What we expect from you

In order to ensure any comments and representations on the 2RLDP are considered, they must be submitted within the prescribed timescales and in the prescribed manner. The DA sets out the timetable of relevant stages and provides a guideline of when we seek your involvement. More detailed information is set out in Part 2 and Appendix 1. This will ensure that individual views are considered and taken into account throughout the process.

It is also important that you notify the Strategic Planning Team should your contact details change during the 2RLDP process in order for officers to keep you fully informed of progress. With regard to candidate sites, land ownership changes may also occur during the process and it is imperative that these are updated via the Council’s website in order to ensure progress is not delayed.

Handling Representations

Representations which are received within the prescribed timescales will be handled in the flowing manner during each stage of plan preparation:

  • Representation logged and given a representation number;
  • Confirmation sent to representor of receipt of the representation;
  • Representation and details of representor logged;
  • All valid representations considered, and responses formulated; and
  • Local Authority’s responses to representations recorded and published in accordance with the Regulations.

Late Representations

The 2RLDP process is subject to statutory and non-statutory consultation/involvement periods which have defined periods for submissions. Responses are required by the specified deadline of these consultation periods in order for them to be ‘duly made’ and thus considered. Any comments/representations submitted after the deadline dates will not be considered as part of the 2RLDP process and will be classed as ‘not duly made’ for the purposes of the 2RLDP Examination. The timescale to produce the 2RLDP is already challenging, the acceptance of late representations would result in further delay which would not be acceptable.

Timetable and Methods of Engagement

The detailed timetable for community engagement and the proposed engagement methods for the key stages in the LDP preparation process is set out in Appendix 3. The list is not exhaustive and may need to be adapted to ensure the community and stakeholders are appropriately involved at each stage.

The tables identify the following key stages:

  • Pre-Deposit Participation
  • Pre-Deposit Public Consultation
  • Statutory Deposit of Proposals

  • Submission of 2RLDP to Inspectorate for Examination
  • Independent Examination
  • Publication of Planning Inspector’s Recommendations
  • Adoption

Contact Details

Further information can be gained by visiting the Council’s website

Or, for those who are unable to access the Council’s website, further information can be gained by contacting the following:

E mail:

Telephone: 01443 866777

Strategic Planning Team,

Caerphilly County Borough Council

Penallta House

Tredomen Park

Ystrad Mynach


CF82 7PG

Comments are welcome in Welsh or English.

Appendix 1 – Risk Assessment

Risk Potential Impact Mitigation Probability Impact
Delay in major applications coming forward until 2RLDP is adopted. Whilst the Adopted LDP will remain in force until the 2RLDP is adopted, this will delay major applications from coming forward. This will impact on the Council’s ability to address/deliver the 2RLDP issues and objectives and put pressure on the deliverability of the housing and employment. Progression of the 2RLDP in a timely manner will ensure that the Council has an adopted 2RLDP in place as soon as possible, minimising the negative implications associated with the delay in major applications coming forward. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
Change in staff resources available to undertake preparation of revised LDP. Programme slippage. Ensure revised LDP process maintains highest level corporate priority. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
Staff turnover in small team. Programme slippage. Consider additional resources (including support from other sections within the Council) and ensure robust structure. Low Likelihood Medium Impact
Reduction and lack of financial resources. Programme slippage. Ensure plan preparation process is adequately costed with in-built capacity for unforeseen costs. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
Council decision making reporting cycle. Programme slippage. Streamline decision-making procedures and ensure timetable is realistic. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
Political Change / Elections. Programme slippage. Early Member training. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
Lack of support from officers / other departments in production of the evidence base. Programme slippage. Ensure organisation wide support of plan process and timetable from outset. High Likelihood High Impact
Translation, printing and production delays. Programme slippage. Consider additional resources to undertake process in house. Medium Likelihood High Impact
Insufficient information to undertake SA/SEA. Programme slippage. Identify and manage expectation of consultation bodies. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact
ISA/HRA implications on plan strategy / proposals. Programme slippage. Ensure process is fully integrated with LDP preparation. Low Likelihood Low Impact
Large volume and / or highly significant levels of objections to proposals e.g. site allocations. Programme slippage. Plans cannot be submitted without significant work. Ensure close liaison and early/continued involvement of community, statutory bodies & stakeholders throughout the plan preparation process. High Likelihood Medium Impact
Plan fails test of ‘soundness’ Plan cannot be adopted without considerable additional work Ensure Plan and Community Involvement are ‘sound’.Close liaison with WG Planning Division. Low Likelihood High Impact
Legal challenge Programme slippage. Quashing of adopted LDP. Ensure good knowledge of statutory requirements to ensure compliance. Low Likelihood High Impact
Further lockdown due to COVID-19. Non-compliance with CIS and timetable. Staff are able to work from home and online consultation would still be possible. Low Likelihood High Impact
Undertaking consultation during COVID-19. Safety of staff. Non-compliance with CIS and timetable. Ensure consultation events are risk assessed. Keep the DA under regular review and endeavour to adapt as necessary to ensure effective consultation. Low Likelihood Medium Impact
Additional requirements arising from new legislation/ national guidance e.g. revised Planning Policy Wales and LDP Manual. Programme slippage. Monitor emerging legislation/guidance and respond to changes as soon as possible. High Likelihood High Impact
Involvement in preparation of StrategicDevelopment Plan. Programme slippage. Resource implications as extent of input into SDP is currently unknown. Ensure sufficient resources are made available to support SDP process and ensure corporate support for SDP process and timetable from the outset. High Likelihood Medium Impact
Planning Inspectorate unable to meet target dates. Examination and/or report delayed. Maintain close liaison with the Planning Inspectorate to ensure early warning of any potential problems. Medium Likelihood High Impact
Need to amend emerging Plan to align with emerging Future Wales, The National Plan 2040 and Strategic Development Plan. Programme slippage. Ensure involvement in progress of regional work. Keep up to date withprogress on NDF. Medium Likelihood Medium Impact

Appendix 2 – List of Consultation Bodies

Specific Consultation Bodies as defined in LDP Regulation 2 (including UK Government Departments):

The Council will consult the following specific consultation bodies at all stages in the preparation of the LDP.

  • Welsh Government
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
  • Office of Secretary of State for Wales
  • Telecommunication Operators – EE, Vodafone and 02, BT, Virgin Media, Mobile Operators Association
  • Aneurin Bevan Health Board
  • Gas and Electricity Licensees – National Grid, Wales & West Utilities, Western Power Distribution, British Gas, SSE
  • Sewerage and Water Undertakers – Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water
  • Department for Transport (including Secretary of State for functions previously exercised by the Strategic Rail Authority)
  • UK Government Departments – Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Home Office
  • Ministry of Defence
  • CADW

  • Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
  • Brecon Beacons National Park
  • Bridgend County Borough Council
  • Cardiff Council
  • Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
  • Monmouthshire County Council
  • Newport City Council
  • Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
  • Torfaen County Borough Council
  • Vale of Glamorgan Council

  • Aber Valley Community Council
  • Argoed Community Council
  • Bargoed Town Council
  • Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
  • Blackwood Town Council
  • Caerphilly Town Council
  • Darran Valley Community Council
  • Draethen, Waterloo & Rudry Community Council
  • Gelligaer Community Council
  • Llanbradach & Pwllypant Community Council
  • Maesycwmmer Community Council
  • Nelson Community Council
  • New Tredegar Community Council
  • Penyrheol, Trecenydd & Energlyn Community Council
  • Rhymney Community Council
  • Risca East Community Council
  • Risca Town Council
  • Van Community Council

  • Abertillery & Llanhilleth Town Council
  • Bedlinog Community Council
  • Cwmbran Community Council
  • Graig Community Council
  • Henllys Community Council
  • Lisvane Community Council
  • Michaelstone-Y-Fedw Community Council
  • Pontypridd Town Council
  • Rogerstone Community Council
  • St Mellons Community Council
  • Taffs Well Community Council
  • Tongwynlais Community Council
  • Tredegar Town Council

General Consultation Bodies

The Council will consult with the following general consultation bodies, where appropriate, in accordance with the Delivery Agreement. This list is not exhaustive and may be added to as appropriate:

  • GAVO
  • Caerphilly Parent Network
  • Caerphilly 50+ Forum

  • Bodies which represent the interests of different Age groups in the authority’s area:
  • Age Cymru
  • Caerphilly County Borough Youth Forum

  • Action on Hearing Loss Cymru
  • Caerphilly People First
  • Changing Faces
  • British Deaf Association (BDA)
  • Caerphilly County Borough Access Group
  • Deafblind Cymru
  • Disability Can Do
  • Disability Wales
  • Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
  • Gwent Hearing Impairment Service
  • Gwent Visual Impairment Service
  • Learning Disability Wales
  • Mencap Cymru
  • Mind Cymru
  • Royal National Institute of Blind People
  • The Stroke Association
  • Wales Council for Deaf People
  • Wales Council for the Blind

  • The Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • Travelling Ahead
  • Association of Gypsies and Travellers In Wales
  • Cardiff Gypsy and Traveller Project
  • The Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain
  • Race Equality First

  • Church in Wales
  • Siloh Christian Centre
  • Catholic Church in Wales
  • Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses
  • Muslim Council for Wales
  • South Wales Baptist Association
  • United Reform Church
  • Salvation Army
  • Cardiff Buddhist Centre
  • UK Islamic Mission
  • Gwent Association of the Baptist Union of Wales
  • East Glamorgan Association of the Baptist Union of Wales

  • Stonewall Cymru
  • Bi Cymru Wales
  • Guys and Gals
  • Rainbow Group
  • Umbrella Gwent

  • Caerphilly Business Club
  • Careers Wales
  • Business Wales (South Wales Regional Centre)
  • Federation of Small Businesses in Wales
  • Welsh ICE

  • Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust Ltd
  • Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments
  • Welsh Historic Gardens Trust
  • Ancient Monument Society

  • Menter Iaith Caerffili
  • RhAG – Rhieni dros Addysg Gymraeg
  • Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion @ Coleg Gwent
  • Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin
  • Cymraeg for Kids
  • Yr Urdd
  • Caerphilly Family Information Service
  • Caerphilly Welsh Language Forum

Other Consultees

The Council will consult with the following other consultees, where appropriate, in accordance with the Delivery Agreement. This list is not exhaustive and may be added to as appropriate:

  • Arts Council of Wales
  • British Horse Society
  • Bus Users Cymru
  • Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
  • Capital Region Tourism
  • Chartered Institute of Housing (Cymru)
  • Chartered Management Institute (Cymru)
  • Children’s Commissioner for Wales
  • Civic Trust Cymru
  • Coed Cymru
  • Coleg Gwent
  • Coleg y Cymoedd
  • Community Transport Association
  • Confederation of Passenger Transport
  • Crisis
  • District Valuer Services
  • Fields in Trust
  • Freight Transport Association
  • Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
  • Institute of Civil Engineers
  • National Library of Wales
  • One Voice Wales
  • Open Spaces Society
  • Planning Aid Wales
  • Planning Inspectorate
  • Rail Freight Group
  • Road Haulage Association Ltd
  • Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
  • Royal Town Planning Institute (Wales)
  • RSPB Cymru
  • Ruperra Conservation Preservation Trust
  • Shelter Cymru
  • South Wales Trunk Road Agency
  • Sport Wales
  • Stagecoach
  • Sustrans
  • The Energy Saving Trust
  • The Georgian Group
  • The National Trust
  • The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
  • The Woodland Trust
  • Transport for Wales
  • Wales Council for Voluntary Action
  • Welsh Language Commissioner
  • Wildlife Trust
  • WWF Cymru

Housing Associations

Local House Builders

Planning Consultants and Local Planning Agents

Political including Local/Regional Members of the Senedd and Members of Parliament

Appendix 3 – Timetable

Pre-Deposit Participation (Regulations 14 & 16)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
Delivery Agreement To set out timetable for plan preparation and process and methods of community involvement. May – Nov 2024 Specific Consultation BodiesGeneral Consultees LDP Focus GroupElected MembersGeneral publicHard to reach groupsCommunity and Town Councils Email/letterWebsiteSocial mediaLeaflet to all households within the county borough All documentation placed on the Council’s website
Review and update existing evidence base To inform development of the 2RLDP Strategy and policy framework. May – Nov 2024 Internal OfficersNeighbouring LAsAdditional Consultation BodiesConsultants LDP MonitoringSpecialist Surveys/data collection analysisMeetings LDP Monitoring reportsTopic Papers Survey Reports
Call for Candidate Sites To establish land availability and landowners’ willingness to release land for development to inform the identification of potential development sites. Dec 2024 – Jan 2025 Stakeholder database, including:LandownersAgentsDevelopersHome Builders Federation Email/letterWebsiteSocial mediaLeaflet to all households within the county borough Candidate Sites Register
Review of existing vision, objectives and options To develop and agree an updated vision, develop consensus on options including growth levels and spatial distribution and inform development of the Preferred Strategy. May – Nov 2024 Elected MembersLDP Focus GroupPublic Service BoardExisting Local ForumsInternal OfficersOther consultees WorkshopsMeetingsEmail/letter All documentation placed on the Council’s website
Review/Update ISA baseline and framework To update the baseline information and framework. May – Nov 2024 Internal OfficersSpecific Consultation BodiesNeighbouring LAs MeetingsEmail/letter Report as part of SA/SEA Scoping Report
ISA Scoping Report including the Review of Relevant Plans, Programmes and Policies To involve the SEA/SA Statutory Consultees in preparing the Scoping Report. May – Nov 2024 Internal OfficersSpecific Consultation BodiesNeighbouring LAsSEA/SA Statutory Consultees Email/letterWebsite Report of Consultation
Pre-Deposit Consultation (Regulations 15 & 16)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
6-week Public Consultation on Preferred Strategy and assessment of representations received To make relevant documents available and accessible and to enable anyone to make representations to the Council’s pre-deposit document. To consider whether any changes are needed to the Preferred Strategy and Option for the emerging 2RLDP. Dec 2024 – Jan 2025 Specific Consultation BodiesGeneral Consultees LDP Focus GroupElected MembersGeneral publicExisting Local ForumsHard to reach groupsCommunity and Town Councils Email/letterSocial mediaWebsiteDrop in sessions/exhibitionsCopies of documents available in the Council Offices and where possible, all public libraries Report of Consultation and recommendations to Council
Request for further information on Candidate Sites (where not previously submitted) To identify potential development sites and obtain detailed site information. March - Apr 2025 Stakeholder database, including:LandownersAgentsDevelopersHome Builders Federation Email/letterWebsiteSocial media Candidate Sites Register
6-week consultation on Initial ISA Report To enable anyone to make representations on the Initial ISA Report. Dec 2024 – Jan 2025 Specific Consultation BodiesGeneral Consultees LDP Focus GroupElected MembersGeneral publicExisting Local ForumsHard to reach groupsCommunity and Town Councils Email/letterSocial mediaWebsiteDrop in sessions/exhibitionsCopies of documents available in the Council Offices and where possible, all public libraries Report of Consultation and recommendations to Council

Statutory Deposit of Proposals (Regulation 17)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
6-week Deposit Consultation exercise To make relevant documents available and accessible and to enable anyone to make representations in respect of any policies and proposals in the Deposit 2RLDP. Dec 2025 – Jan 2026 Specific Consultation BodiesGeneral Consultees LDP Focus GroupElected MembersGeneral publicExisting Local ForumsHard to reach groupsCommunity and Town Councils Email/letterSocial mediaWebsiteDrop in sessions/exhibitionsCopies of the documents available in the Council Offices and where possible, all public libraries Hard copy of representations placed in Council Offices and copies available on websiteRepresentations and comments to be included in a report of consultation which will be available on the websiteRepresentations submitted to WG for consideration by the Inspector
Environment Report and Habitat Regulations Assessment To consult on findings of the ISA and HRA. Dec 2025 – Jan 2026 Specific Consultation BodiesGeneral Consultees LDP Focus GroupElected MembersGeneral publicExisting Local ForumsHard to reach groupsCommunity and Town Councils Email/letterSocial mediaWebsiteDrop in sessions/exhibitionsCopies of documents available in the Council Offices and where possible, all public libraries Hard copy of representations placed in Council Offices and copies available on websiteRepresentations and comments to be included in a report of consultation which will be available on the websiteRepresentations submitted to WG for consideration by the Inspector
Submission of 2RLDP to Inspectorate for Independent Examination (Regulation 22)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
Undertake work necessary for formal submission to WG for Examination To consider the representations received during the statutory consultation period and provide a response to them that can be considered by the Inspector at the ExaminationProvide notice to all interested stakeholders of the submission of the 2RLDP and ISA, and associated documents, to Welsh GovernmentEnable examination of the 2RLDP. Indicative Nov 2026 Stakeholder databaseElected MembersInternal Officers Social MediaEmail/letterWebsiteProvide copies of relevant supporting documents at Council offices and where possible, all libraries
Independent Examination (Regulation 23)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
Notification of Independent Examination To ensure that interested persons/organisations are aware that an Independent Examination into the 2RLDP is taking place. Indicative Jan – Feb 2027 Stakeholder databaseElected MembersGeneral public Formal notification given by email/letter to any person who has made (and not withdrawn) a representation. Notice placed in the local press and on the website. None
Pre-Examination meeting To advise on examination procedures and format. Indicative Jan 2027 Consultation stakeholder databaseElected MembersGeneral public Email/letter to all RepresentorsNotice on website Statements of Common Ground and Papers as necessary
Consideration of all representations to the plan by the independent Planning Inspector appointed to consider the evidence To provide an impartial planning view on the soundness of the 2RLDP, and the representations made in respect of it.To undertake any further work requested by Inspector. Indicative Mar – May 2027 All those interested individuals and organisations that have made representations at the Deposit Stage of the 2RLDP Round Table Discussions.Formal hearings (if requested and agreed by Inspector)Written submissions. Inspectors report.
Publication of Planning Inspector’s Recommendations (Regulation 24)
Stage in the 2RLDP preparation process Purpose When?Timescale Who will be involved How? Consultation, Dissemination and Notification mechanism Reporting, Dissemination & Notification
Publication of the Inspector’s Report To make the Inspector’s Report publicly available. Indicative Jun 2027 Consultation stakeholder databaseElected Members General public 2RLDP documents including the adoption statement and the Sustainability Appraisal Report made available on the websiteFormal notification given by email/letter to specific consultation Bodies and Elected MembersCopies of all relevant documents available in the council offices and where possible, all public librariesPress Release None
Formal publication of Environmental Report Identify any adjustments arising from the Examination Indicative Jun 2027 Consultation stakeholder databaseElected Members General public 2RLDP documents including the adoption statement and the Sustainability Appraisal Report made available on the websiteFormal notification given by email/letter to specific consultation Bodies and Elected MembersCopies of all relevant documents available in the council offices and where possible, all public librariesPress Release None

Appendix 4 - Glossary of Terms

2RLDP The 2nd Replacement Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2035
Adopted LDP The Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2021
CIS Community Involvement Scheme
DA Delivery Agreement
GDPR EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016
HRA Habitat Regulations Assessment
ISA Integrated Sustainability Appraisal
ISAR Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report
LDP Local Development Plan
LPA Local Planning Authority
LWBP Local Well-being Plan
PPW Planning Policy Wales
PSB Public Services Board
Review Report Adopted Caerphilly County Borough Local Development Plan up to 2021 Review Report
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEWSPG South East Wales Strategic Planning Group
SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance
SA Sustainability Appraisal
SAR Sustainability Appraisal Report
WBFG Act Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

Appendix 5 - Definition of LDP Terms

Term Definition
Adoption The final stage of the 2RLDP preparation where the 2RLDP becomes the statutory development plan for the area it covers.
Baseline A description of the present state of an area.
Candidate Sites A site nominated by an individual with an interest in land (i.e. landowner, developer, agent or member of the public) to be considered for inclusion in the 2RLDP.
Community People living in a defined geographical area, or who share other interests and therefore form communities of interest.
Consensus A process of early dialogue with targeted interest groups to understand relevant viewpoints and generate agreement through discussion.
Consultation A formal process in which comments are invited on a particular matter or document.
Council Caerphilly County Borough Council.
Deposit A statutory six-week stage in which individuals and organisations can make representations on the 2RLDP. Representations that relate to whether the plan is ‘sound’ are subsequently considered by an Inspector at the examination into the plan.
Duly Made Representations, in writing, on the 2RLDP which are made in the correct manner and within the specified consultation time period. These representations will be considered by the Inspector at the Examination into the 2RLDP.
Engagement The process that pro-actively seeks to involve the community in the preparation of the 2RLDP (interchangeable with the term “Involvement”).
Evidence Base Information and data that provides the basis for the preparation of the LDP vision, objectives, policies and proposals and justifies the soundness of the policy approach of the LDP.
Examination The formal process of considering whether the Deposit 2RLDP satisfies the tests of soundness and can be formally adopted by the Council. The process is chaired by an independent Planning Inspector.
Interested Parties Any person, group, organisation or company wanting to be involved in the preparation of the 2RLDP.
Involvement The process that pro-actively seeks to involve the community in the preparation of the 2RLDP (interchangeable with the term “Engagement”).
Local Planning Authorities Local Council’s and National Parks with planning powers.
Objective A statement of what is being sought or proposed to be delivered.
Participation The process whereby stakeholders interface with plan makers.
Pre-Deposit The stages of 2RLDP preparation and consultation up to and including the consultation on the Preferred Strategy document.
Report of Consultation A document that addresses the representations submitted during a consultation period and the actions resulting from them.
Representations Comments received in relation to the 2RLDP, either in support of, or in opposition to.
Soundness The concept against which the plan is tested to determine whether it can be adopted by the council. Soundness is considered through 3 tests that the independent Inspector applies to the 2RLDP through its examination.
Stakeholders Any person, group, organisation or company whose interests are directly affected by a 2RLDP or who participate through the 2RLDP engagement process.
Submission The formal act of sending documents to Welsh Government at key stages in plan preparation.
Timetable Sets out the timeframe for delivering the 2RLDP, including dates by which key stages and processes of 2RLDP preparation are expected to be completed.