Caerphilly Employment Support Team – Case Studies

All of our support is about our participants - we can work with you for as long as it takes to get you to where you want to be. We understand that sometimes confidence and self-esteem can make it difficult for you to work towards your goals.

We are here to help you build your confidence and improve your self-esteem so that you can reach your full potential. Click below to read about some of the participants we’ve supported so far.

Case Study: Sam

Sam was referred to Caerphilly Employment Support at the beginning of January 2024 by DWP (Blackwood Job Centre) and was assigned to a Communities for Work Plus employment mentor for support to secure employment.

Sam was an Universal Credit claimant and actively seeking employment but was struggling to find work following leaving university with his degree. Sam’s mentor supported Sam with training in Safeguarding, First Aid and interview preparation.

Obtaining relevant up to date training in essential training that could be used in all the organisations that Sam was seeking employment in helped Sam close a gap in his CV. Sam successfully passed the training courses and his mentor assisted him to update this on his CV. Sam and his employment mentor met on a weekly basis and used their time wisely in appointments to job search regularly, assist with building Sam’s confidence around interviews and giving guidance on interview preparation.

After successful appointments, Sam attended an interview and was offered employment within the Community Safety Team within Caerphilly County Borough Council. Sam seemed much more confident going into work and is now able to start building his career in the path he so greatly wanted.

Feedback from Sam:- “I enjoyed working with JT at Communities for Work Plus. I enjoyed the fact that we wasted no time and started applying for jobs alongside placing me onto courses so that I could develop my employability skills and have a few more things to add to my CV. I was also grateful for the tips and tricks around interview preparation so that I could go into the interview well prepared which gave me the ability to give my all in interviews.”

Case Study: Geraint

Caerphilly Employment Support Programme engages with individuals to support and improve their prospects of a future Job. A good example of this is Geraint Watters, who enrolled with the programme in April this year.

Geraint has recently relocated to the area out of choice to remove himself from a cycle of past poor choices. Geraint had been in and out of prison for many years for drug related offences and needed a clean break. Geraint has done extremely well and is in his words ‘clean and determined to stay that way.’

With very little on his CV and a medical condition from birth, some jobs were not suitable, but Geraint is very determined and focussed, and wanted to learn to cook. His wish is to give back to the homeless as he was once in this situation himself. A volunteering job came up in a local café and with the support of his mentor from the project, Geraint applied, was interviewed and got the role.

He is thoroughly enjoying the role and his feedback is extremely positive. The manager said ‘He has settled in lovely he is a great little worker and so polite a pleasure to have on our little team.’ Congratulations Geraint, this is an excellent example of someone who has turned their life around. You should be very proud of yourself!

Case Study Geraint serving cakes

Case Study Geraint clearing tables

Case Study Geraint making hot drinks