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Wicket 2 Wicket opened its doors in September 2022 with a vison to create an indoor cricket facility for local teams, schools, and individuals to be able to practice and improve on skills all year round.
Plans to build a new, state of the art health and wellbeing hub in the heart of Caerphilly are taking shape.
Following the demolition of the properties along the A472, our contractors Walters group will start site improvement works on 31 May 2023.
Most roads across Wales that are currently 30mph will be reduced to 20mph later this year as part of new legislation being introduced by Welsh Government.
Two members of the Empty Homes Team at Caerphilly County Borough Council have been recognised at this year’s national Empty Homes Network Awards.
25 May 2023
Ffiliffest is Menter Caerffili’s summer celebration of the Welsh language and of local Welsh culture and the event will include performances, entertainment, activities, workshops, food and drink stalls and a chance to buy produce from local businesses